Lemon properties and health benefits

lemon properties

Originally from India lemon has been used for centuries not only as food but also for therapeutic purposes. The Greeks used to use lemons as flavorings, and that is where they discover that it has a therapeutic treatment for those people who had diseases or problems. In addition, also they drank lemon water, a way to disinfect the area and accelerate the healing process of the affected area. In the case of America, this plant was used medicinally and ornamentally. This fruit became important when in the eighteenth century, the sailors used it to combat scurvy, a disease that was caused by lack of vitamin C.

lemon properties

The lemon belongs to the Rutaceae family and its scientific name is “Citrus limonum risso”. Most importantly, always consume the fruits of lemon fresh and avoid those that do not have a firm and shiny appearance.

Beneficial properties of lemon

The beneficial properties of lemon are multiple as it cleans, nourishes, softens and refreshes the entire body, as well as possessing curative principles, being a staple of natural remedies and may consume as juice, teas, tonics and some therapeutic blends.

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Losing weight without dieting

lose weight without dieting

You can lose weight without dieting by following a healthy balanced diet combined with light physical activity.

lose weight without dieting

To look good body in summer we should start worrying us in winter. Burn stored fat is a slow process that depends on two factors:

  1. The number of calories you eat every day for meals.
  2. The amount of fat that can burn through the practice of physical activity.

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The green tea to prevent cardiovascular disease

benefits of green tea

To combat the cancer, the infarction, and dental caries, the benefits of tea are invaluable. Apparently, the most powerful effects of green tea acting as a preventative on cardiovascular diseases, representing the leading cause of death in the world.

benefits of green tea

The benefits of tea

The tea has been subject of numerous studies, since this plant contains interesting properties for health. These are attributable to the polyphenols. These powerful antioxidants help fight aging of the organism and protect against different aggression, such as inflammation, usually at the origin of cancer.

But the effect of polyphenols the tea is the most spectacular in the cardiovascular field. More than 50,000 people aged between 40 to 79 years have taken serving tea for eleven years. All these people were initially unaffected by cancer, to cardiovascular disease, or a vascular brain accident.

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Home remedies to prevent belching

remedies for belching

Burping is a natural event after eaten. It is unnecessary expulsion of gases in the stomach while drinking, swallow or talk. It is usually a little uncomfortable when we are around other people, it is therefore necessary to learn some home remedies to avoid burping.

remedies for belching

Remedies for belching

Cold Milk
Cold milk has proven to be effective in reducing heartburn. Relieves burning sensation and prevents gas formation in the stomach.

When we eat highly spiced foods, is likely to increase the acidity in the stomach which in turn leads to the expulsion of gases. One of the most useful remedies to relieve the stomach is chewing some mint leaves.

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Irrational fears: Phobias


A phobia is a disorder in which, irrationally, appears anxious when exposed to living things, objects or different situations. You may receive a phobia against people, animals or objects, such as doctors or nurses, dogs, spiders, snakes, blood, injections, etc..


You may also receive a phobia varied situations, such as flying, being in enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), in open spaces (agoraphobia) or in certain social situations (social phobia), such as public speaking, to take an examination, etc.

The underlying problem in the case of phobias is anxiety. The anxiety, which can be generated by an internal conflict, rather than linked to the conflict, is shifted to a particular object or situation, which is invested with the anxiety and gives rise to so irrational anxiety or fear appears in connection with the object or situation causing the phobia.

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Feeding during pregnancy

feeding during pregnancy

It is essential to a rich and balanced diet in pregnancy because it depends on the correct development of the fetus. The contribution of certain foods varies throughout gestation, and increases the need for folic acid and vitamins A, B, C and D. In the second and third trimester are necessary protein intake, iodine, iron and calcium.

feeding during pregnancy

During pregnancy is very important maternal weight control to prevent disease (gestational diabetes) and birth complications (large fetus).

It is recommended that 5 or 6 meals a day but in small quantities, so we prevent upset stomach and low blood sugar, which are very common in pregnancy because the fetus needs glucose continuously.

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Homeopathic products to relieve endometriosis

endometriosis treatment

Endometriosis affects about 10% of women worldwide. Despite being a common problem detection and diagnosis is often difficult. In many cases fertility problems can come arising from endometriosis. Endometriosis is the abnormal development of tissue in the womb, can cause abdominal pain, cramps or even infertility. In some cases there are no hassles, making it difficult to diagnosis. Endometriosis can have different levels, but is benign.

endometriosis treatment

The causes of endometriosis are often different and vary from woman to woman. It is therefore difficult to determine a range of women prone to this type of malformation. For detecting endometriosis is usually necessary to perform a laparoscopy, by which, in some cases, it may be treated with laser some affected areas. In many cases a simple treatment is sufficient to eliminate pain and discomfort.

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Treatment of bronchiolitis in children

bronchiolitis in children

The treatment consists of bronchiolitis flushing the airways via the high suction on demand. Then ordinary food, fractionated, ensuring adequate hydration (if not possible, parenteral hydration). Oxygen is the only essential drug in the treatment of bronchiolitis requiring hospitalization. It can be administered by nasal cannula (appropriate to the age of the patient) or mask, does not require humidification.

bronchiolitis in children

If after being inhaled properly, hydrated and oxygenated the child shows no signs of improvement, you will have therapeutic test with bronchodilators beta 2 agonists by inhalation.

This test can be repeated after 20 minutes if no response. If after 2 doses there is no improvement in respiratory rate of circulation or oxygenation is not continued with this medication.

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Fungi on the skin: clinical and therapeutic approach

fungal skin

Fungal diseases of the skin are called “cutaneous mycoses”. These infections in the surface layer of the skins (stratum corneum) that normally do not penetrate to deeper levels of the organism.

fungal skin

Depending on the location, skin, nails, scalp, mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, etc., adopt an appearance or another.

These infections are more common in humid areas of the body surface, since moisture encourages the growth of fungi, under the breasts, underarms, etc.., and are, in turn, more frequent in obese people with multiple skin folds.

It is also more common in people who are immunocompromised and in some people taking antibiotics.

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Anxiety: Concept, types and how to treat


Anxiety and fear are two related but not equivalent concepts.

Fear is a normal body reaction to situations involving an external threat, since an increase in heart rate and level of alertness of the organism and other characteristic signs we have all experienced at one time when we felt threatened or endangered.


Anxiety: What it is

Anxiety is an unpleasant sensation accompanied by signs and symptoms similar to those found when we feel afraid, due to increased secretion of corticosteroids in the adrenal glands and by activation of the sympathetic nervous system with the release of adrenaline and noradrenalin, among others neurotransmitters and hormones.

Anxiety occurs in response to stress; it may be due to various circumstances, of such work, family, etc.

A certain level of anxiety is healthy and adaptive and allows us to cope with adverse life circumstances and solve problems that we encounter.

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