The allies to relieve menopause

relieve menopause

It is one of the most dreaded stages by women, but its annoying symptoms can be controlled if we are convinced eat well and with intelligence.

relieve menopause

While it is important to properly nourish throughout our life, pregnancy and menopause are certainly times when we will need more care of our diet. And believe it or not what you eat can make a difference, relieving the signs of menopause, and making you feel much better.

In the beginning you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to obtain from them the amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that your body needs. Broccoli and spinach are light options and very flattering for your body, contain fiber and composed of a lot of fluid which will make you feel quenched and eat less.

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Urinary incontinence in women

female urinary incontinence

The problem of female urinary incontinence is leakage that may occur when you sneeze, laugh, or make an effort or exercise.

female urinary incontinence

It is a matter of spilled, socially and psychologically, as it affects the daily activities of the women who are suffering and reduces their quality of life.

The causes of urinary incontinence in women
Urinary incontinence can occur at any age and both sexes. However, it is more common in women than in men. Incontinence occurs when the pressure is greater on the inside of the bladder that the pressure on the urethra.

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Fear of miscarriage

fear of miscarriage

Every pregnant woman knows the feeling more or less: the fear of a miscarriage. Especially the women who have previously had a miscarriage, you know exactly where they should be afraid. This makes it difficult to enjoy the pregnancy.

fear of miscarriage

Pregnant after a miscarriage
The woman who once before had a miscarriage and is pregnant again, knows the feeling all too well: the fear during the first months of pregnancy. She leads a secret life on the toilet and checks it several times a day or no blood droplets are visible. They also know the color of blood: brown blood is old blood, pink blood is a novice bleeding and bright red blood is not good.

The breasts are regularly touched: they are still sensitive? Nausea means in any case that she was pregnant, so vomiting is very welcomed. The pregnancy is still a secret kept from the outside world, because you never know what might happen.

Probably you recognize yourself in this, and you know what it is like to live with that fear. But also the women who never have had a miscarriage can sometimes be quite uncertain.

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Pregnancy and Health

pregnancy and health

Every pregnant woman should care for a healthy way of living. No alcohol, no drugs, no medications. This is the best way to guarantee the well-being of the unborn child.

pregnancy and health

But of course, there are also many examinations during the pregnancy which can provide useful information about the state of the fetus, the size, sex or position. During the first weeks, one can witness a fast development of the human body in miniature via ultrasound check-ups.

Antibody screen

In the first trimester, it is important to check the blood type of mother and baby in order to avoid problems like HDN (Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn) in case the blood types are different. This may cause complications because of an antigen-antibody reaction. The mother may develop antibodies against the antigens in the unborn baby’s blood which can cause complications and may harm the baby.

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Pregnancy: What is the best age to give birth to her baby?

late pregnancy

Pregnancy would be more immune to the risk of birth if it comes at a young age, in any case, it is demonstrated what a study by scientists from the Royal Faculty of the Gynecologists of United Kingdom.

late pregnancy

Poor tend to give birth late

The study has shown that the ideal age for women to give birth to a baby is between 20 to 35 years.

The same study also indicated that there is more risk of abortion, caesarean section, fetal death and complexities of birth after the age of 35. Moreover, the success rate of fertilization in vitro was 31% for women aged less than 35 years, while among women aged over 42 years, this rate is 5%.

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Feeding during pregnancy

feeding during pregnancy

It is essential to a rich and balanced diet in pregnancy because it depends on the correct development of the fetus. The contribution of certain foods varies throughout gestation, and increases the need for folic acid and vitamins A, B, C and D. In the second and third trimester are necessary protein intake, iodine, iron and calcium.

feeding during pregnancy

During pregnancy is very important maternal weight control to prevent disease (gestational diabetes) and birth complications (large fetus).

It is recommended that 5 or 6 meals a day but in small quantities, so we prevent upset stomach and low blood sugar, which are very common in pregnancy because the fetus needs glucose continuously.

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Week 5 of pregnancy

5 week pregnancy

This stage of your little one is especially exciting must follow the pregnancy week by week, because his heart has independently developed and may soon begin to beat. Important members such as blood vessels, the spine, the digestive and brain are also now being developed, spine, digestive system and brain.

5 week pregnancy

Baby development
This is a very important moment for your child. In the fifth week the embryo has developed between 0.5 to 1 millimeter in a small oval plate. Now it seems rather like a small flying saucer from another world. It consists of three embryonic germ layers or (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm), from which the various organs develop.

The external germinal layer cells to form the developing nervous system, sensory system and skin. The mesoderm (embryonic layer media) develops the heart, vascular system and connective tissue (CT). Endoderm layer (innermost embryonic tissue) develop internal organs as the intestines, lungs and reproductive system. In the middle of the inside of the embryo, there is a slight thickening, a neuronal line that later will develop your child’s nervous system.

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Menopause, its symptoms and how to treat


Menopause is a stage in the life of the woman disappears in the period and menstruation, which entails significant hormonal alterations.


The last menstrual period and the onset of menopause usually occur in the period between 45 and 55 years of age. This leads to loss of ovulation, a decreased secretion of estrogen and progesterone and leaving the reproductive capacity of women.

The onset of menopause is often accompanied by characteristic clinical signs and symptoms, such as hot flushes and sweating (which usually last from one to five years), dizziness, palpitations, vaginal dryness (which leads to discomfort during sexual intercourse), fatigue, irritability, restlessness or anxiety.

Menopause may also be accompanied by a decrease of calcium in bones with decreased mineralization of the same, a condition called osteoporosis. This can lead to bone pain and pathologic bone fractures, i.e. fractures movements or activities normally not lead to a bone lesion.

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Do you know what are the warning signs in pregnancy?

warning signs in pregnancy

The pregnancy is one of the most beautiful stages in the life of a woman. The physical and emotional experience are amazed every day, but suppose the wonderful experience of bringing a little something in our belly. We enjoy it fully but at the same time we must know the signs that alert us of any possible danger, you know what?

warning signs in pregnancy

First must tell you is that in this situation we should not worry excessively alarmed or anything, but if we must be attentive to the signals our body to prevent anything. The alarm signals are:

The most serious is vaginal bleeding. Small amounts of bleeding may indicate a risk of abortion is not normal and should go to something immediately to our doctor or nearest health center. The fluid loss vaginal odor is also a sign that something is happening in our body, if the liquid is clear it means we have broken the bag and we should see a doctor right away.

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Dignicap: an alternative to save the hair in chemotherapy

Dignicap testing

Dignicap testing

For women with cancer, hair loss can be devastating. However, there is a clinical trial a device that can save their hair, Called “Dignicap”. It’s used to cool the scalp during chemotherapy.

According to investigators, the scalp cooling reduces blood flow to this and follicles, to build the capillaries. Less blood means less damage to the follicles, and less hair loss. Before chemotherapy, an investigator placed a cap refrigerator directly on the patient’s head. This cap contains tubes through which coolant is pumped. Above, there is another cap to keep cool. Both are connected to an external refrigerator unit, and reach the temperature of 5 degrees Celsius. The patient must wear the cap during chemotherapy and an hour later.

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