Tips for your baby’s first teeth

baby first teeth

Teething is a stage that causes discomfort to your baby, can you relieve it somehow? We help with some advice.

baby first teeth

Everyone is different, and this is already shown in the first stage of life. The stage where babies get the teeth can vary greatly from one child to another. Usually the first tooth comes from six to eight months of age, but can be extended beyond ten months, and contrary to what many fathers and mothers think, the delayed onset is not due to a lack of calcium. The first to go are the lower central incisors, mouse teeth, around 6-8 months, and ends with external molars, upper and lower, at 24-30 months.

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Child Health – Chickenpox


Chickenpox is a common contagious childhood disease. The disease occurs mainly in children, because most adults have become immune to. The severity of chickenpox is small unless newborns, pregnant women and adults are infected with it. They experience the illness as violent and have a greater chance of complications. What is chickenpox? How do you get it? How do you deal with? And when should you go to the doctor?


Chickenpox is characterized by spots, blisters and scabs on the skin. It is a very common childhood disease. 75% of the people get chickenpox between the 1st to 6th years of life. When the disease among members has had one here is generally immune. If the disease is a mild disease course had then the chance that a child again in a load can get chickenpox. A mild course of disease is most common in babies until their first birthday, as they have antibodies to that time with them that they have inherited from their mother.

The probability that an adult gets sick of chicken pox is very small, even if they never become infected with the virus. Over the years, builds a person had sufficient antibodies to counter the disease at bay. Touch your old age will become infected the disease process and potential complications are more severe than in children. Even newborn babies and pregnant women will experience severe disease.

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Visual development in children

child vision

The vision of the child develops gradually over time. The main stages of visual development are:

child vision

  • Follow the light that shines: from the earliest days of birth.
  • Contact with the mother: from 6 weeks
  • Interest shiny objects: 2 to 3 months
  • Eye movements coordinated: 4 months.

The vision of the child is less than that of adults and progresses through time:

  1. 1 month: 5% of the vision of the adult
  2. 2 to 4 months: 20% of the vision of the adult
  3. 1 year: 30 to 40% of the vision of the adult
  4. 3 to 4 years: 80 to 100% of the vision of the adult.

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The problem of flat feet in children

children flat feet

The flat foot is one of the reasons that lead parents to consult pediatricians in general. Spurred by painful problems in children or personal experience of the parents during childhood, parents are concerned for this problem and its consequences on the future life of the child and the possible influence of the vertebral column.

children flat feet

Many children across generations have been treated for the problem of the flat feet on the soles of special shoes, surgery to correct the shape of the foot.

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Fever in children, what to do

fever in children

What is fever?
Fever involves the evaluation of body temperature over 37.4º C or 37.9º C using a thermometer and not the hand.

fever in children

What should we do before seeing the pediatrician?
Keep a comfortable room temperature, not making the child a lot of clothes, give him sugary liquids. Control temperature and deal with some antithermic with usual doses and intervals of time between each shot. Cold baths can reduce fever immediately but in moderation which means not compress with ice cubes.

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The diet of diabetic children

diet for children

There is not an ideal diet for children with diabetes, only to watch his diet and take precautions to not have consequences.

diet for children

Diabetic babies can eat normal schedules and take insulin depending on their level of glucose in the blood. After infancy, the doctor will often recommend a diet plan based on consumption of fiber, low sugar, varied food.

Measures the most important to have a healthy diet and consume meals balanced and moderate of vegetables and fruit.

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