Myths about carbohydrates

myths about carbohydrates

We listened to all of them and for some women are like the bad guys when it comes to eating. See if all that is said is true or false.

myths about carbohydrates

If you are one of those that think that carbohydrates are only a source of calories and misfortunes for your body, you’re wrong. It is also necessary for proper nutrition, but to understand it may be necessary to unveil some myths that revolve around it.

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The importance of sodium in your body

importance of sodium

Salt is essential for the body to function properly. Although it is advisable to take it in moderation, especially in cases of high blood pressure or fluid retention, situations the above mentioned in which it is necessary to continue the medical indications. But if there are no problems or health conditions that advise otherwise, can be enjoyed without fear of foods with sodium and all its benefits to the body.

importance of sodium

The salt or sodium is keys for the organism. In fact, it is considered to be the second biochemical element which is most important for the organism by the functions which it performs and which include controlling the passage of fluid between the cells, apart from contributing to regulate the body’s fluid balance and control the digestive process.

But there are more benefits for salt, since sodium also performs another important function: the conduction of nerve impulses, being equally keys in muscle contractions and blood vessels.

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Relieve menstrual cramps

menstrual cramps

Many women suffer with the arrival of our period, generating us a real problem, because literally incapacitated. The main complaint is pain or menstrual cramps, which for some is very strong.

menstrual cramps

There are some recommendations to avoid the pain even stronger and to relieve:

  • Do not walk barefoot. The floor cold intensifies the pain.
  • Take hot drinks. You can make cinnamon water. The preparation is simple, insert two cinnamon sticks in sufficient quantity for a glass of water and put it to heat until it reaches the boiling point. Then add sugar to taste. The hot water should be taken.
  • Prepare a mixture of beet, onion and lemon and drink.
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Food for fever


Fever can occur at any time due to illness or a lowering of defenses. This disorder is annoying, but you can avoid its effects with adequate nutrition.


Although fever usually decreases the desire to eat, do not stop eating because during the febrile the body loses vitamins and nutrients, especially if the condition is prolonged, and may seriously affect the health.

These days, the diet must be very rich, especially in vitamins and mainly vitamin C because it helps increase the defenses and cause the body is immune.

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The allies to relieve menopause

relieve menopause

It is one of the most dreaded stages by women, but its annoying symptoms can be controlled if we are convinced eat well and with intelligence.

relieve menopause

While it is important to properly nourish throughout our life, pregnancy and menopause are certainly times when we will need more care of our diet. And believe it or not what you eat can make a difference, relieving the signs of menopause, and making you feel much better.

In the beginning you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to obtain from them the amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that your body needs. Broccoli and spinach are light options and very flattering for your body, contain fiber and composed of a lot of fluid which will make you feel quenched and eat less.

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Acidity: Enemy of our stomach!


Burning sensation in the esophagus accompanied by ardor, discomfort and reflux are the classic symptoms of heartburn, and the key to avoiding it is in our hands.


The excesses foods are generally the most maximum of the acidity, although conditions such as pregnancy or use of certain medications can make us prone to this annoying condition.

The reality is that if we do not learn to control what we eat with the time we could get sick because our esophagus is not suitable to defend itself from the acids that produced in the stomach if these attack you constantly, so it is important to feed us with intelligence that result is pleasant and not annoying.

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Red tea diet

red tea diet

Red tea is one of the perfect complements to add to a diet. If you try to incorporate it into your diet you will notice its draining and slimming effects in very short time. More natural and effective, impossible!

red tea diet

In this recipe we combine it with ginger and cinnamon, two spices added to tea that makes it ideal for a tea after meals. To prepare you will need:


  • Two teaspoons red strands.
  • 1L of water
  • A cinnamon stick
  • A piece of root ginger sweetener to taste.

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Exercise: breast in form!

breast in form

The breasts like any other muscle in the body require work and attention to stay firm and toned. Here we give you some simple exercises to achieve this.

breast in form

The rise and fall of constant weight, the pregnancy, the passage of time and even poor posture when walking or sitting can make our breasts lose tone and firmness which at the beginning may seem worrying but that we can counteract with physical activity, and there is no better way to keep our muscles in good condition than that.

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Sports Massage: Types, benefits and effects for health

sports massage

Every day, more people are addicted to the sport, discovering its benefits both physical and psychological and social. It is for this reason that sports massage is becoming increasingly important in society.

sports massage

This massage is used both as advance preparation for athletes who will perform a physical activity to stretch and relax the muscles after performing a full year. This does not include cases where the injuries from the sport make it indispensable.

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Look after your health: respiratory fitness against asthma

asthma attack

The asthma attacks produce a collapse of the airways that make difficult the flow of fluid and regulate the air. The bronchodilators products favor the correct circulation through the canals of the respiratory system.

asthma attack

But what else can we do to address the crisis? What is the best way to deal with an asthma attack?

Medicine and medical treatments are essential in most acute cases. But sometimes knowing simple rules of relaxation will help to mitigate and overcome the crisis. Relaxation is an effective method to control the emotions that can lead to a crisis and, above all, rely on it to restore the correct breathing pattern. The basis of relaxation therapy is to maintain control over the mind. This prevents anxiety and overexcitation.

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