The more curious myths on cold and flu

Did you know that you can catch cold in summer and winter? In fact, one might almost say that we can all catch cold practically all year. We just need a body to ‘infect’, a virus that spread it and weakened defenses. Once these three questions come into contact, everything is done. However, it is true that in winter tend to produce more cases fundamentally for several reasons: the combination of cold and low humidity, tend to live longer at home and indoors, is more common than our dry nose more easily by making them more susceptible to the virus…

myths on cold and flu

But in summer it is also possible to catch a cold. For example, just a little sweats on the street as a result of high temperatures and sun, and walk into a store or a house with strong air conditioning. The sudden change in temperature affect negatively our defenses, so that makes us more susceptible to infection from the viruses that cause colds or flu.

However, although we already know that we can get the flu and cold in winter and in summer, even today there are many myths that surround both diseases and that although we think that they are true are actually quite false. We reveal some of the most curious.

Vitamin C prevents or cures colds and flu
How many times have we heard that we must take much orange juice in autumn and winter to avoid colds or flu? However, it is a misconception, because until now they have found no scientific evidence that has shown that an extra dose of vitamin C is useful in preventing colds.

Moreover, neither found to heal colds or the flu. However, if we consider that to follow a varied and balanced diet it is the best way to provide essential nutrients useful to improve our health and increase our defenses, which will be helpful to reduce the incidence of colds.

The cold causes colds
Indeed, it usually thought that the cold in winter is the principal cause of that we catch a cold or flu. However, it is a complete mistake, because the cold is not the cause of colds, but viruses are transmitted from person to person, which especially traveling by air from small droplets caused by infected people coughing, speaking or sneezing.

The reason why increase cases of colds and flues in winter is not the cold itself, but by a combination of factors: low temperatures that can weaken our defenses, we tend to spend more time at home and in closed spaces, our nostrils tend to dry more easily…

The drugs help cure colds or flu
We often think that taking medication is useful in helping to cure colds. But it is a complete mistake, because actually colds and flu away on its own between 3 to 7 days approximately.

Of course, other medications may be helpful when relieving most bothersome symptoms. However, one must have been prescribed by a medical specialist.

Antibiotics are useful against colds and flu
It usually thought that, in addition to such medicines as antitussive or anti-flu are useful to cure colds; antibiotics are also good for treating colds or flu. But no, antibiotics are only useful against bacteria.

If we bear in mind that colds and flu are caused by viruses, is a complete mistake taking antibiotics for these conditions, since uncontrolled and indiscriminate use can pose a risk to our health, because it helps the bacteria to generate resistance.