Food is key for people with HIV

foods for HIV

Food in persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is very important.

foods for HIV

As a metabolic disease is not common to associate HIV with food, but a proper diet is very important because it helps slow the symptoms generated by this ailment.

It should take into account several concepts to take care of the patient nutritionally and health giving a strict diet with specific foods.

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Bluefish and benefits of consuming

Oily fish

Oily fish and the benefits of consuming it have been revealed after investigations concerning nutritional issues where this food is recommended as part of the weekly menu.

Oily fish

All fish have varied nutritional properties and therefore should be part of within the considered balanced and healthy diet.

Furthermore, fish consumption, and kind of oily fish, significantly improves the symptoms of certain diseases contributing also to prevent the occurrence of others among the cardiovascular diseases, but always alternating fish consumption with other foods that provide animal and vegetable proteins.

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Dietary fiber ensures live longer

dietary fiber

The consumption of fiber foods is associated with a reduction in mortality (cardiovascular disease, infectious, respiratory, cancer, etc..). In other words, eating dietary fiber would be a guarantee to live longer.

dietary fiber

Food and dietary fiber

Dietary fibers are the part of plant that is not digested nor absorbed by the digestive tract. This characteristic of dietary fiber is favorable to the body, dramatically improving the intestinal transit.

The fibers facilitate the elimination of certain toxic and carcinogenic substances, reducing the cholesterol level, and specifically the absorption of glucose. Result, dietary fibers have many positive effects on health, reducing risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

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Losing weight without dieting

lose weight without dieting

You can lose weight without dieting by following a healthy balanced diet combined with light physical activity.

lose weight without dieting

To look good body in summer we should start worrying us in winter. Burn stored fat is a slow process that depends on two factors:

  1. The number of calories you eat every day for meals.
  2. The amount of fat that can burn through the practice of physical activity.

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Reasons why you should eat watermelon


The warm weather arrives and with it come back on the market fruits and vegetables that are healthy and not to be missed in the daily diet. One is the watermelon. But why are you eating?


The answer is simple. The watermelon is a fruit which is characterized by nutrition as well as by presenting a number of high water; approximately 93% is water, giving rise to be advisable to be consumed in slimming diets by its low calories: approximately 20 per 100 grams. It is also very satiating.

But also has carbohydrates, fiber, potassium necessary for the nervous system and muscle activity, magnesium, folic acid and beta carotene. And a big plus is that it contains lycopene, a pigment that gives you that pink tone and has excellent antioxidant properties.

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Diet against prostate cancer

prevent prostate cancer

Let’s see how we can protect the prostate and prevent serious diseases with a proper diet. A wide variety of foods that help a maintenance of this important gland in men.

prevent prostate cancer

More and more studies showing the importance of diet in preventing prostate cancer, a disease that unfortunately afflicts more and more men. We know for example that eating too much red meat or animal fats in general contributes to the appearance of the tumor.

What foods are recommended?

Foods rich in Vitamin E: Vitamin E, among other properties, is anti-inflammatory and inhibition the growth of cancer cells. It is therefore appropriate to prevent inflammation of the prostate, it has antitumor properties capable of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

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Avoid constipation

constipation cause

Constipation can be uncomfortable. Learn what to do to help you.

What is constipation?
What is considered constipation for some, it’s perfectly normal to others, which makes it a little difficult to define. Basically, we talk about constipation when bowel patterns change and become less frequent or when difficult and painful.

constipation cause

A quarter of the populations suffer from constipation at some point in their lives. As you grow, you have more chances of bowel muscles weaken over time. Pregnant women are more prone to constipation.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Stomach cramps
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal distention
  • Diarrhea: constipation is one of the most common causes of diarrhea.

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Vitamin D, a good ally!

vitamin D

It’s no secret the importance of vitamins and nutrients in our diet, and without them our health is compromised. But it is clear that each group offers different contributions, discover all they have for you vitamin D.

vitamin D

The summer day brings more relaxed, warm and lots of outdoor options, but also opens a window to improve our health and it is precisely thanks to sun that our skin is able to produce vitamin D, essential to keep our bones strong and improve the appearance of teeth.

But this is not its only function; it is also closely linked with calcium absorption as it increases making them inseparable companions. Our body is also benefit to including it in the diet to increase the absorption of phosphorus.

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Evening primrose oil: Vitamin E and premenstrual syndrome

evening primrose oil

Today I remember a fatty acid that give very useful in Orthomolecular Nutrition and helps improve PMS. The evening primrose, associated with vitamin E.

evening primrose oil

The Evening Primrose is a plant whose qualities have been so little known eighties. But research conducted in the early eighties showed that evening primrose oil has some interesting medicinal properties.

The oil extracted from the seeds of evening primrose is very rich in essential fatty acids among which linoleic acid essential for the stability of the membranes of cells throughout the body, for neural development, to balance the hormonal system and the regulation of blood coagulation among other functions.

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4 Steps to eliminate fat from your body

remove excess fat

Are you ready to finally remove excess fat in your body, quickly and permanently? Well, take a few minutes of your time and read this article, you will find a few points which would guide easily.

remove excess fat

  1. Raise your metabolism, accelerate the same doing to burn the fat faster. Make sure no fad diets (low in carbohydrates, low in calories from fat, etc..). In addition, recommend you avoid diet products. To grow your natural metabolism, recommend that you choose to do with the routine of eating right and most appropriate subject is the natural food.
  2. Speaking of nutrition, make sure you get all types of nutrients in your diet to get best results. Your body loves many types of nutrients and while restricted to get any other, that go into making your body … consequently altered their metabolism slow.
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