5 benefits of eating spinach

The spinach are considered one of the foods with health benefits for people, because in addition to having a high content of vitamins and minerals, helps prevent various diseases, among other things, for its high content of antioxidants.

eating spinach

Spinach Benefits

Protect your vision. Both antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are especially plentiful in spinach and protect the eye from cataracts and macular degeneration related to age. When you eat cooked spinach your beta carotene goes straight to your eyes; it can help people suffer from vitamin A deficiency, as well as itchy eyes, sore eyes and dry eyes.

Fight against cancer. Extract spinach can slow down the development of some cancer cells. There is a carotenoid in spinach that fights prostate cancer. In addition, because it contains kaempferol, women who consume it are likely 40% have a lower chance of developing ovarian cancer.

Take care of your heart. Combining vitamin A as a source of beta-carotene and vitamin C makes the spinach is a great ally in the fight against heart disease. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that combats the accumulation of obstructive arterial plaque.

Improve cognitive ability. Eat three servings of green leafy vegetables a day can slow mental decline by 40%. This means that eating spinach makes your brain is almost five years younger. Because it contains vitamin E, also enhances cognition.

Against gastritis. Spinach protects the mucosa of the stomach and acts as a tranquilizer for heartburn. They are a source of vitamin A, C, K and folic acid; they are also rich in iron and calcium, all of which are important for curing gastritis and gastric ulcers. A home remedy to relieve gastritis: mix 200 ml of spinach juice with 300 ml of carrot juice, and take a little bit of this mixture every day.

benefits of spinach

Other benefits of spinach

Intestinal regularity. Spinach promotes regularity. Since this vegetable is high in fiber and water, it helps prevent constipation and promotes a healthy digestive tract. This healthy and light food should be a close ally of all those people who have slow intestinal transit, so common in our days due to stress, work or bad eating habits.

Precautions. If we take anticoagulants such as Coumadin (warfarin), it is important not to change suddenly (more or less) the amount of foods that contain vitamin K, since they play an important role in the coagulation of the blood. Consuming too much potassium can be detrimental to those whose kidneys are not fully functional. If your kidneys could not remove excess potassium from the blood, it could be fatal.

Laxative and diuretic properties. Spinach fight constipation due to its high fiber content. In addition, fiber causes cholesterol and blood glucose to be reabsorbed, helping to control diabetes and cholesterol.
They are also a natural diuretic.

Tone the muscles. The nitrates, not iron, are responsible for spinach toning our muscles. These improve muscle tone and make us have stronger muscles. It would be very good to eat a spinach salad daily to incorporate them into our diet.

Prevent arteriosclerosis. Spinach contains vitamin A and C. These along with lutein (pigment found in some plants) prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol in the arteries and reduce the chances of suffering arteriosclerosis.