3 natural remedies for hair loss

Usually men are more prone to hair loss than women. In men, this hair problem is called androgenic alopecia. Bear in mind that there are many home remedies to prevent and treat hair loss. These remedies are easy to make, and you can even find some ingredients in your kitchen. Here are some home remedies that you can use to treat your hair problem.

remedies for hair loss

One: Prepare 4 tablespoons of henna leaves and a cup of mustard. Mixing the two ingredients and boil them. Once its have been boiled, filter it and store it in a bottle, you can use this mixture to massage the areas with thinning hair.

Two: Grind fenugreek seeds and mix with water. Then applies these ingredients in the head and massage your scalp, you should do this at least 40 minutes before a shower. For best results, do this treatment every day for at least a month.

Three: Prepare onion paste and use it to massage the parties with little hair, when these areas become red, apply honey.